Thursday, February 15, 2018

The Pope should hold the line with China

The Pope is negotiating with the communists in China.  This is a bad thing.

For the record, I do not consider the communist government in China a legitimate government. The Republic of China, which is currently operating in Taiwan, which is legally still part of Japan; is the one and only true government of China.  I also do not consider Tibet to be a legitimate part of China, nor the South China sea (which shouldn't be called that).

The current communist dictator in China is Xi Jinping. Last year there was a scandal where it was revealed that this man is a pedophile who raped young children under the age of six at a day care center.  With all the accusations of sexual abuse launched at Catholics all the time, this is the last person on the planet any Catholic should be speaking to.

But anyway, we'll put my political view of China aside and we'll assume that the leaders in the Catholic Church just happen to not know that Xi Jinping does those kinds of things.  He murders people too so maybe they just figure that's par for the course. He also likes to dine at a restaurant that serves up the cooked remains of aborted babies as a delicacy so maybe sexually abusing children is actually one of this man's lessor crimes.

So all that aside, when we look at what's going on with the Vatican and China we are left with the conclusion that if you want the Vatican to do something your way, you just have to bribe them. That's all the communists had to do to get the Vatican to change their mind about the legitimacy of ordinations.

If you don't know, the situation inside communist controlled China is this; there are real bishops who have been legitimately ordained and thus are actual successors to the apostles.  There are also seven fake bishops who were not legitimately ordained.  They were simply summoned to Xi Jinping's office and informed that they were now bishops with no laying on of hands involved.  So from the perspective of the Church, they are actually just laymen pretending to be bishops the same way an Anglican 'bishop' is a layman pretending to be a bishop.  But the Vatican has recently said that even Anglicans who know they aren't really bishops can in fact be called bishops so I guess they feel there's not a big difference with these Chinese communists.

Anyway, for a long time the Church correctly said that these communists, none of whom believe in the existence of God or the historical fact of Jesus, were not in fact bishops and could not be considered legitimate. That should have been the end of the conversation.  They were no more a bishop than I am and I even have an advantage over them, l'm baptized and confirmed.

But the communists really want to get their hooks into the church and and they see Francis as a weak Pope so they see an opportunity there. They saw how Francis dealt with the Knights of Malta and they saw an opening to just bribe someone close to Francis and then get their way.  So that's what they did.  Wow, for all of this pope's calling for a poor church for the poor, it sure seems that a lot of the people around him are becoming millionaires overnight on a frequent basis.  Hey, maybe all we really need to get a new Sui Juris that exclusively uses the Extraordinary Form of the Latin Rite is to throw money at the problem; money which of course most traditionalist don't have because, you know, they're poor.

Now the situation in China is going to unfold like this, the current legitimate bishops will 'retire' and either go to prison in China or be exiled.  Then the fake bishops will take their place, ensuring that all future ordinations of priests and all future sacraments in China are null and void.  There will essentially be no legitimately ordained hierarchy in China. The Vatican is giving up on the future of China so one of the pope's buddies can buy a new mansion and a yacht.

"Yes, those poor Christians in China. So sad.  Hey, what color should I get for the leather seats in my new private jet?"

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